For my Sr. Thesis, I have been creating panoramic illustrations that will stick to the back of terrariums. Backdrops for fishtanks are completely overdone but no one pays attention to snakes and lizards. If you look at PetCo or PetSmart, you will find photopaper on a roll with photos of the fake plants that the petstore sells. I don't think that is good enough for my pets. There are many designs that I am working on but so far, these are my completed designs.
This is the first of many illustrations that I did to be made for the backgrounds of terrariums. Right now I am printing on a static cling vinyl material that goes on the inside back of the tank. The desert is my most expected background I think.
This design is inspired by Godzilla, even though there are no animals in the illustration. The idea is to make your lizard or snake look like they destroyed a city. Since many lizard and snake owners use newspaper as bedding and Tupperware for hide boxes and water dishes, this makes a tank look cohesive or intentional.
This background design is basically a gecko dance party. Most children start out with geckos when they decide that they want a reptile so I focused on what would be fun and colorful. What is great about this design is that the dancing mushroom background (top) goes into the back of the tank and the the characters (below) stick to the front or sides of the tank. It makes it more interactive. The kids can play with the character stickers and put them wherever they want on or in the tank.
This is my latest terrarium background. This too is based on the popularity of geckos. The image is supposed to read as geckos painting a gecko on the back of the tank. I think this one will be popular once I sell them commercially.